
January 14, 2011

New Year yarns...

This is what I've been doing lately...yes, using yarn to create something unique, handmade and beautiful. (Today is the beginning of the New Year for those of us following the Julian calendar!) I just discovered that Meijer's carries this 100% wool yarn from Peru:For $4.99...little cowgirl on the label and love that "full o' sheep" bit! I got this color...called Passionfruit. It is a lush color. I'm currently making myself a pair of mittens. This yarn is brought to you by Debbie Stoller. If you are NEW to knitting or crocheting, she's got the book for you, "Stitch 'n XXXXX" which is really an excellent book with some cool patterns. My library has it and I used it to make this bunny:
That was over a year ago...
Gosh, I need to make another one...isn't is so cute?Seems Hannah is always reading...even while eating! Olivia started reading on her own, too. I am so glad we are able to homeschool our children, to let them learn at their own pace...we have all been slow yet happy readers in our house...that's the way it should be, not rushed nor forced.


  1. Nice! I am always reading too... your daughters are beautiful!

  2. Oh, my, I needed that New Year Happiness wish that is so homey and cheerful, like your photos. Thank you!

    Yes, the bunny is darling.

  3. Oh dear, Hannah looks like Katherine. Any time I ask Katya a question now, I hear "Huh, oh, um...What did you say?" because she's reading.

    I'm thankful, though. I'm glad she likes to read.

    Blessed new year to you all!


  4. Love that picture of your daughter reading! I remember getting into a book that I didn't want to put it down! What am I talking about! That was last week! Glad your girls love to read!

  5. $4.99!? I have yet to find adorable affordable wool! I'm so on that.

    and reading while eating? Perfect.

  6. That bunny is so cute! Josh loves to read too- he picked it up fast. I am glad because I had such a hard time at his age. He just started chapter books this month - he looks so grown up sitting there reading to himself.
