
January 21, 2011

Pinecone birdfeeders...

Yesterday it snowed all day here in Cincinnati, Ohio. No work for me...most schools were closed, but homeschool was open...we made a good time of it, though, dispersing time between math and science with playing a game of chess, shoveling the driveway and making birdfeeders:
  • pinecones
  • yarn
  • peanut butter
  • birdseed
We made these last week in our class with the 4 and 5 year olds, the teacher I work with went outside as soon as the children finished making them and they watched her through the windows hang them in the trees on our playground. Soon, there were birds: cardinals, a tufted titmouse and more!


  1. Great idea! we are so making these!

  2. I love making these with the kids. We probably do it at least two times a year.

  3. :D Memories! I made these as a child! Looks like you guys had fun!

  4. Great photo, Martha! : ) Making pinecone birdfeeders is such a classic and wonderful winter activity for children. You've officially inspired me to do likewise with my preschooler. It's cold, cold and snowy here as well. I wish for your your family warmth, peace and love today!

  5. Nice to see the birdies got a great treat- I'm sure they enjoyed it and it's keeping them comfy during the cold as well!
