
January 24, 2011

Ski day...

We've been wanting to go skiing together for a finally Dec. 24, 2010, we went, left the house at about 8am and got there at 9am when Perfect North opens our lift tickets and ski rentals.
$35 for Rob and my lift tickets...and $23 for my rental...and $50 for both for each of the girls.Rob borrowed Wally's snowboard and boots. He used to it was natural for him.We packed a lunch to save $. Inside there is a gas fireplace, but we wanted to eat on the deck and watch the guys go over the ramps and do stunts!!!
Rob and Olivia get off the lift just after Hannah and me...and then we head over to the orange lift to go to the very top of the mountain...and take "the Far Side" down, it's a gentle 1 mile long ski trail...woodsy and lovely!

Interesting facts:
  • the skis were made in Spain
  • the ski boots were made in Italy
We are hoping to set aside $ every year and make it a family tradition! I love winter. And snow. Thankfully sledding is affordable!!!

*Check out Kristy's giveaway for a reusable sandwich or snack pouch AND Sara's giveaway for a baby amber necklace!


  1. Wow! Super impressed with Hannah sking down the hill alone! Was this their first time? I havent gone snowboarding since high school.... they would let us miss school the first day of the season at Ski Apache, which was 30 minutes from us..... oh how i miss the NM mountains.....


  2. What a wonderful tradition to start - and to keep your girls interested in the outdoors all year round! It looks like it was a LOT of fun!

  3. Nice... I love winter too! Love to you...

  4. Looks like a blast! Although, I'm not fond of skiing. I think my boys would be way into snowboarding if they could. . .

  5. It looks like you all had a lot of fun. I've never been skiing, but I don't really have much of an interest. Maybe some day.. :)

  6. Sounds like a great tradition.
    I have never been skiing - only snowboarding. One day I would like to take Josh - but for now we'll save up & stick with sledding;)

    Hannah looks like a pro!
