
May 1, 2011

Hope on the horizon...

Christ is Risen! I took this photo about midnight on girls said goodbye to my dad (who they affectionately call "Peepaw") who was having a difficult time. As I've written before, he has Parkinson's disease. Things have been getting worse lately, he is in a lot of pain and is so stiff he cannot move at all, at times. Some men had to carry him out of church on Pascha, actually. Next week, however, he is going to the University of Cincinnati hospital to participate in a study...he will stay there for 10 days and they will give him a port and a pump, so the medication will be more constant. I ask you to join us in praying for him! We went to their house later on that day...and thankfully my dad was feeling better. Last night, he came to church, but didn't serve in the altar, and left right after venerating the Bible. Today, however, he didn't come at all. I love him so much...and so does our whole family...I want him to feel better!

2 years ago I was involved in car accident with the girls, Rob was at work...thankfully we were all fine, but the man who was riding the motorcycle (wasn't wearing a helmet and is lucky his head is okay) broke his pelvis and apparently suffered more, I don't know all the details, but I am being sued. I met with the lawyer on Tuesday. He seems to be a very kind and honest man. So, if you will pray for everything to settle as God's been causing me a lot of worry and stress lately.

I also made a BIG decision. I am graduated in 2000 with a BFA (bachelor's degree in fine arts) and life was busy, I got married and had a two children and put my artistic desires on the side...but I am going devote more time to creating art...and hopefully selling it. I am not going back to working at the pre-school next year.
When it's not raining (and we've had a LOT of it lately), we've been enjoying being outside...Olivia is holding a 3-leaf clover. Hannah found a 4-leaf clover a couple of days ago and another one today!
Yesterday, Hannah and Olivia ran the Flying Pig 26th mile...they did a great job! My sister, Mary, took this photo of the 4 of us...she and her husband Andrey came to Cincinnati for a couple of days, mainly to visit with my dad.

Rob and the girls are running on the right hand side of this video clip...


  1. these are not easy things for sure - will pray. Lighting my lampada to St. George for your Father right now. HUGS. will pray about the lawsuit too; that is stressful. love to you...

  2. just saw your comment, would love for you to come to us someday... as the Lord wills and if I am still in Ottawa...

  3. Prayers for your dad, and hugs to you during this time.
    Good for you on the decision.

  4. You and your family will definitely be in my prayers in the coming weeks - peace and mercy to you all.

  5. I don't know you personally, but I read your blog on occasion. I wanted to email you, but could not find your email on your blog. I just wanted to say that I can understand your pain about your father. I won't get into details here, but my father is also suffering from a variety of things, and it is so hard to feel helpless to help him. If you would email me with his name, I would like to keep him in my prayers.

  6. I'm sorry about your father! I have two dear friends with Parkinson's, and when I pray for them I will remember your father as well.

    I'm happy for you about the art decision! What a blessing that you can take the time to be fruitful this way.

  7. I will continue to pray for your dad and I will pray for God's will (and your acceptance of it) for the motorcyclist. Lord have mercy!

    How exciting for you to delve further into your art. I can't wait to see your creative endeavors.

  8. Marfa, such a newsy post! I am so happy to hear of your decision to devote yourself to your art full time. Certainly, you will have nothing but success! On the news of your father, and the motorcyclist, I will certainly keep you and your family in my prayers. Life certainly seems unfair at times, but I'm a firm believer that God shows us the way through the trials and tribulations we must face. Press on, and let your sorrow and frustrations come out by way of art. It's therapeutic indeed.
    x, Val

  9. Thank you for your prayers...those of you I know and don't REALLY means so much to me!

  10. So many tender and important subjects in this post...your father is blessed to have such a daughter and grand children, I hope the medication by port helps and may the portal of strength through his faith and the prayers of many be a constant source of the succor of the Lord for him and all his family.

    Just think of the law suit as one insurance is suing the other...
    And wonderful that you are doing the better job of being at home with children; may you have many creative moments as well. I like your rabbit on the bike and in the car.
