
July 24, 2017

Our teenagers

She's 14 years old.  Saturday morning she won 2 medals in her junior lifeguard competition!  She plans to work next summer as a lifeguard.
Hannah holding Paul, taking an extra nap, because had a fever...cutting in his 2 year molars. 
And we watched Olivia play soccer.  Their team has pink shirts!
Then, yesterday we dropped Hannah off at camp for a week.  Saying goodbye...
 It looks pretty...a lot of green here.


  1. I often forget to check your blog but I'm always so happy when I do get to catch up! I love all the photos! I hope Hannah had a good time at camp! Congrats to Olivia! I hope Paul is feeling better!

  2. So proud of Olvia!! Love all three of these beautiful kids!!!
