
July 31, 2017

40 years old

Mowing the grass at Grandpa's today was really fun, Rob started off with Paul on his lap, and Olivia and Hannah also took turns helping.
After, we went to the state park and enjoyed the lake; Rob on his sailboat, the beach, pretty hollyhocks growing by the shore, sand and sun...
Someone got all wet.
He found a melting chocolate bar in the van.  He asks for "coco," often.
Chocolate face again.  This time due to a banana chocolate chip muffin.  And I turned 40 over the weekend.  We spend 8 hours at the final swim meet of the summer, both of the girls did a great job in their races...sadly, I forgot the memory card, although I had the camera, so I couldn't take any photos. 
Grammie came with us to pick Hannah up from camp.  Paul wanted to drive her car. 

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday!! 40 is a big year! I am just a few months ahead of you! neat!!! God bless you with MANY more years!!! HUGS!!! and cute pictures!!!
