
August 7, 2017

Colors of summer

Hannah took this photo of Rob, Paul and I last night.  Our grapevine behind us is full of green and the grapes are delicious right now.
We took the sailboat and paddleboard out to Cowan State Park after church yesterday.  All the state parks in Ohio have free admission, which I think is awesome!
Paul wanted to start the motor, he tried to pull the cord several times, but isn't fast enough.  We had enough wind to sail, and didn't need to use it.
Alabama fish bar....this is a great place to get fried fish, but sadly it's not in the best neighborhood.  Still worth a trip there, but we get it to-go.
 I love all the colors.  Nearby is Findlay Market, where they have a great place to get pho, woven baskets, fresh flowers, vegetables, fruit, honey, chocolate, gelato, etc.
Festival nearby us...Paul rode on a mini airplane with me.  I wish I'd remembered that centrifugal force would make me squish him, I should've sat on the outside!  Oh well.  I keep learning.  Everyday.


  1. Some nice times you are having! so glad! :)

  2. Did he get squeezed then? I love seeing his face during the ride! What a sweetheart.
