In honor of the first day of May, we assembled some little bouquets of flowers to give away. Snapdragons, iris, purple sage, the yellow flowers of our kale, white tiny flowers atop the cilantro...
At 7:30am yesterday, Olivia and I walked down the street with Lusy the dog, to leave the first one. What a great way to start the day. I think we may do this more often, just because.
Today, my mom dropped by with some cut peonies from her yard for us!
Check out what May day is like in Hawaii...
St. Gregory Dialogus
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Gregory the Great (590-604) is usually
called Saint Gregory Dialogus, Pope of Rome. The Liturgy of the
Presanctified Gifts,...
1 day ago
How beautiful!!!! A blessed month to you and your family!!!!
Those flowers are lovely, and how thoughtful to share with others. It always feels nice to give to others.
Yes, such beautiful flowers! Happy May Day (one day late), Marfa!
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