
October 5, 2021


We had our first fire in the newly-installed woodstove and it was so hot we had to open up the windows.
Our 34 chicks have grown, and are staying the the chicken coop, but with the heat lamps still.  
View from the kitchen sink window, that is the house of our Amish neighbors, Jonathan and his wife, Ellen.  They are the ones who have the puppies.  They also have horses and I enjoyed watching the horses run this morning.
My husband installed this butcher block counter made of hard birch, from Lowe's.  I put Howard's oil all over it.  We hope to get a dishwasher and put it in that empty space for now it holds the trash and compost bins. Our oven is not yet hooked up so we have been cooking over one electric unit, plus our toaster oven.  
Our caterpillar turned into a chrysalis!
I'm sorry to tell the truth, but I'm tired of hand  milking Bella already. Twice a day is a lot and that usually takes about an hour.  My husband has been taking turns with me, thankfully.  And making mozzarella, which looks beautiful here, after letting the whey separate, but it didn't come together nicely.  We got 150 bales of hay delivered!
This land is serene and the fall colors are vibrant along the back. Homemade butter!  I poured the cream off the top of a gallon of milk and shook the jar for about 45 minutes and then added a pinch of salt.

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