
April 19, 2022

Baking with saffron

I made a 3rd batch of kulich today. In this batch, I used saffron and added it to the warm milk and yeast mixture.  Such a pretty golden dough!  Likely the free range eggs were another factor in the rich color.  I used golden and regular raisins.  There are many seminarians who have helped and befriended us and I want to share with them, to thank them.  I'll put lemon icing on top.
I helped my husband milk the cow, Bella, this morning, then took that milk, strained it through linen and am making more cheese.  I've been warming the milk up and letting it clabber, gathering it in muslin and letting it drain for a simple farmer's cheese.  
All these preparations for Pascha!
I plan to hard boil eggs, peel them and soak them in beet juice, like this, isn't that gorgeous? I got a round of Guggisberg baby swiss (onlyn$3.60/pound!) and will need some thin crackers.  I'm writing a menu, for brunch, and also dinner. Ham, meatballs, bacon, mashed potatoes, Olivier salad, kulich with cheese Pascha.  Tea.  Eggs Benedict also, maybe??
It snowed about 12 inches!  Our elevation is 1,390 ft. here.  I think that's why we got so much, seems that others got more rain.
Last night a friend at church gave me these mittens as a gift!  On Lazarus Saturday, she greeted me with "many years" as the Bible passage read aloud was of the brother of Martha and Mary, risen by Jesus Christ. I told her it was my mini namesday!  And now, the new snowfall, timely and useful.
We baked Lazarakia on Friday!  I started a punch needle project.  I've been working on a shawl for my niece who lives in Canada.  I had to go to the store to get more yarn and saw the punch needle start kit on sale for $4.99 so got that!
We visited my father's grave last Wed. Little purple and white crocuses had just emerged!  Looking at each new day, surprises and stability.
Reality is, these days we're eating nuts, vegetable + bean soup, carrots + cucumbers with hummus, peanut butter + jam sandwiches. And looking forward to Pascha!

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