We sipped this three ginger tea, made in the UK (the English do tea the best, in my opinion) by Pukka. My sister, her husband and 3 month old baby, Elizabeth, are now here visiting and brought me this box of tea, which I cannot find in any stores in this area. We also had a slice of pumpkin bread. Brekkie is Australian slang for breakfast. ♥ It's a term we use often in our home. "What's for brekkie?"
Pumpkin bread (this is a delicious and vegan):
2 cups pumpkin pulp (bake half pumpkin, scrape flesh from skin, then puree)
2 cups sugar
1 cup coconut oil ($5.99 for a 16 oz. jar of organic virgin coconut oil at Trader Joe's)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
4 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour (I like King Arthur's)
1 cup raisins
1 cup walnuts (optional)
wet ingredients in large bowl, then dry ingredients in smaller bowl,
then pour the bowl of wet ingredients into the large bowl and mix
thoroughly. Makes 12 muffins and 4 small loaves (I use the Pampered
Chef mini-loaf stoneware) for me... Bake at 350 for 15-25 minutes
(muffins are done quicker).
After lunch, enjoying a pomegranate together....and then little Elizabeth fell asleep in Hannah's arms.
Very nice weather here...sunny and 60s. We went swimming yesterday, indoors. My little niece only dipped her feet in. Olivia & Hannah puffed up their swimsuits with air.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans, tomorrow! This mouse family (by Maggie Rudy) is enjoying a roasted walnut. ♥
Shy little bird in the rib cage.
“Three forces carved the landscape of my life. Two of them crushed half the
world. The third was very small and weak and, actually, invisible. It was a
3 hours ago
We LOVE the Mouse Feast! : )
I'm eating my brekkie right now! Tea and Toast with Vegemite!!Thank Goodness for a Sister in Canada who can get you good tea;) My favourite is Twinings : Prince of Wales blend....
Happy Thanksgiving - sounds like lovely tea!
blessed Thanksgiving to you! and family! :)
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