Today is the first day of the Nativity fast for us, as Orthodox Christians, who follow the old calendar. Last year, we started a countdown and opened up a package with a (used) book each day, so my girls really looked forward to the fasting period. We try to live simpler, eating no meat, or dairy and less television (not that we watch it much anyhow) so that we can pray more and think about the time before Christ's birth!
I'm crocheting another shawl right now for my niece, well actually just adding fringe right now. I am reading "Everyday Saints" by Archimandrite Tikhon. ♥
I have mushrooms and onions that I'll chop up and cook with olive oil and then serve with angel hair pasta. We have a good supply of organic gala apples, for snack.
And I plan to bake this later today, as I have a bag of fresh cranberries in the refrigerator.
Shy little bird in the rib cage.
“Three forces carved the landscape of my life. Two of them crushed half the
world. The third was very small and weak and, actually, invisible. It was a
3 hours ago
I really need to get a copy of that book! I've seen so many people who are reading it right now. The bread looks delicious. I just might make some myself :)
I love the shawl! I was watching re runs of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman last week and she had a lovely crochet shawl on with fabulous tassles! I was inspired... I have never seen fresh cranberries in Australia, only dried. But the loaf looks delicious :)
Oh the bread looks yummy and your shawl is beautiful.
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