
October 22, 2022

Frost came


We had a light frost, but had a hard frost a few days ago and I had picked all the green tomatoes and peppers that were still in the garden.  Monday we went to the 6am Liturgy for his namesday.  My mom arrived that afternoon and we had his favorite, cheese pizza.  We've eaten a lot of butternut squash from our garden.  The boys got toy guns that have a little spool with a little gun powder on it.
We had so many chilly, yet sunny days, so we've been looking at the constellations. The Big Dipper is the easiest for us to find. We hiked at Glimmerglass state park with Grammie.  We did NOT see any bears.
It's supposed to be in the 60s the next few days.  We'll be outside a lot, I'm sure.  I still have a lot of beets and carrots in the garden. Below is my mother and Paul. Hope you have a good week.  


Anonymous said...

Very pretty up there. Warm here too Martha. I made two stone fire pits, watered a ton of plants and moved stones around our property. We even ate outside tonight. It was beautiful.

elizabeth said...

So glad for every good moment ❤️

Gretchen Joanna said...

I'm glad you got your vegetables picked in time! Stay warm!