
June 5, 2021


hello June...can you spot the cicadas on our trees?
the chickens have been eating some, but still eating grass and digging in the earth like usual
Our newest sweet little niece, who was born in Alaska!
A month ago, I started taking a barre class and am feeling muscles work and sore the day after, but in a good way.  Also, I haven't worn a face covering in weeks, maybe it's been a month?  I'm so grateful life is pretty much back to normal.
I visited with a friend today and smelled essential oils.  I got castor oil as a carrier and have read that it's really good for your skin and helping get the essential oils absorbed so your body can benefit, but it smells like beans to me.  I'm not sure what I think about it....
We got a mango, turmeric, pepper + pineapple smoothie and matcha and saw Hannah at work!
A lot of rain this week and now sun, so everything is green and growing.  Hope you ave a nice weekend!  


gretchenjoanna said...

Congratulations to the graduate! Your June looks very rich so far <3

karen said...

congratulations on a new baby in the family. we are in between the mask wearing - which is like a light at the end of the tunnel (a long tunnel!!)