
December 2, 2023


Baked bread on top of the wood stove. I put it in the oven under the broiler for just a few minutes to brown the top. Now that every night gets to the 30s, we keep a fire going almost all the time.  I can put a pot with oatmeal on the woodstove, or a kettle of water for tea, or soup to warm up.  
All 3 of the boys had doctor's appointments this week.  They've all grown, 12 pounds, 38 pounds and 44 pounds. The 2 older boys had a pediatric dentist appointment.  I wish I could be a patient in their office.  
We saw the Nutcracker ballet at a beautiful old theatre.  I took this photo in the foyer there.
At home, we cut pine boughs and made a swag with a bow to hang!
We got a bunch of hand-me-downs and this red bath robe is one of them.  Elijah is wearing the onesie Paul painted for him.  

I've addressed the 1st few Christmas cards and put stamps on them.  I got two already, one from a sister of mine and the other from a friend in Ohio.  Here's our card:  2023
We got some snow this past week.  An inch one day, and about another inch or two the next.  The kids went out right away to play!  We will give the frozen pumpkins to the pigs to eat.  It's very good for them.  Helps prevent worms. 
I am planning to make lentil soup and buckeyes today.  I want to make gingerbread soon. I just need to get more ginger! 


Gretchen Joanna said...

One time when our power was out, I baked my bread on the wood stove. It got *very* brown on the bottom, but was good otherwise.

The pictures of reading to Baby are very sweet!

Becki said...

Your bread looks so yummy and hearty. And your Christmas card is lovely. Very nice photos of your family. :)

karen said...

there is nothing like home made bread!!