We stayed the first night in NY with my cousin, Zoya, her sweet husband and their daughter, Harriett, who is much prettier...I think this was the 3rd photo try...

The Bassett family reunion in MA...we stayed at Friendly Crossings, a really nice hostel. Hannah and Olivia were thrilled that they both got to sleep in the top of the bunk beds! We also went to the Trader Joe's nearby, not as good as the one in Cincinnati...no wine.
Lots more photos HERE. Walgreens has a 10 cent print sale again...enter code: CELEBRATE10.

We went to church in Methuen, MA...full of children, beautiful choir and everyone was so kind!

Hannah took this photo while we drove over the Tappan Zee Bridge.

We went to NJ next. A budgie clung to Grandpa's pocked and kept putting his head in there...then pecked his hand! Pretty little twerp.

May 25, 1968...I see my father and his sister, Ellen in this photo!

This hourglass was given to Mr. Sauser by my great grandfather. Yep, it's purple sand, it's a
4 minute hourglass that now belongs to my grandfather. My great grandfather had quite a collection of hourglasses and most of them are in a museum right now.