
January 21, 2021


  • sickness
  • hunger
  • cold or heat
  • proper clothing
  • water to bathe
  • love, emotional support

That word means "remaining alive" which is something that I take seriously as I read this book filled with stories of life in a labor camp.  It's amazing that Father Arseny survives.  Lately, I've felt like I'm just surviving, because been sick and whiney kids who need their noses wiped, chores undone, BUT our basic needs are met. Reading this has been so good for this time in my life.  It puts things in perspective and makes me grateful for all I have...

Beautiful avocados!  
Cara cara oranges! And my diffuser bracelets.  Currently putting rosemary and bergamot on them.
And really hugs, showing we need other people and their care, in my home AND shines through in this book as several hardened criminals befriend Father Arseny after he shows them kindness.
Our teenage daughters have much to talk about lately:  job issues, finances, saving, debt, college, and overall life goals.  I am grateful to listen and talk with them as they find their path.  I feel like it's something that's never clear, we just have ro keep walking...

January 10, 2021


Going through my mind right now...  I've made the choice to step back from social media. It's healthier for me right now.  Political stuff makes me upset.  Wasted time.  Quality time.  Family + friends...even making new friends recently.  Praying and acquiring personal peace.  That's my focus and goal. 

We celebrated Nativity this past week and I have this little icon on the table near oranges a friend gave us and cedar logs my husband cut up to put candles us warmth and light!

Fancy herbal tea with mugwort and chocolates from one of my sisters.  I've learned that "wort" means "good for" or "to heal" and I've been using St John's wort and am interested in using motherwort.  Have you used it?  As tea or in a capsule or another way?
My bracelets fit as anklets for a two year old!
Looks like he's floating, doesn't it?  I hope you have a great week!  Please, share any experience you've had with herbal remedies.

January 1, 2021


I found usnea, while stuck on the icy road in the Smoky Mountains of TN, headed to NC.  It's a type of lichen often called old man's beard.  I saw it hanging from the tree branches on the steep slope and then I picked a bit that was on the edge of the road. 
We all got out, as my husband drove down the icy road because several cars ahead of us had spun out.  People helped push each vehicle out, we talked to each other, trying to figure out if it was better to drive on the snow or the bits of dirt that were visible. It was actually a really nice experience, although it took us a total of 8 hours instead of 4 hours that day.  
We went to our niece's wedding in this charming little castle.  Meanwhile...
Our oldest daughter was on the west coast, visiting with my sister + her family.  
Here are the rest of us, below, inside the castle.  The moon was almost full and so beautiful reflected in the lake water surrounding the castle.
The snow was pretty!  I guess we'll have to move the mountains if we want to have snowy winters. Last night, all six of us sat around the table eating sushi for dinner and drinking sparkling juice from wine glasses.
I added a few drops of lavender essential oil to this sanitizer (that says "Bobby & Lindsey - spread love, not germs") from the wedding, now that we are home.  And will remember them when I use it.
Our Christmas tree is quite dry.  I've been collecting the pine needles and will put vinegar in this jar and let it steep for 2 months and then strain, and use it as a cleaner.  All natural and homemade, better than Pine-Sol!
Have a nice weekend!