
January 21, 2021


  • sickness
  • hunger
  • cold or heat
  • proper clothing
  • water to bathe
  • love, emotional support

That word means "remaining alive" which is something that I take seriously as I read this book filled with stories of life in a labor camp.  It's amazing that Father Arseny survives.  Lately, I've felt like I'm just surviving, because been sick and whiney kids who need their noses wiped, chores undone, BUT our basic needs are met. Reading this has been so good for this time in my life.  It puts things in perspective and makes me grateful for all I have...

Beautiful avocados!  
Cara cara oranges! And my diffuser bracelets.  Currently putting rosemary and bergamot on them.
And really hugs, showing we need other people and their care, in my home AND shines through in this book as several hardened criminals befriend Father Arseny after he shows them kindness.
Our teenage daughters have much to talk about lately:  job issues, finances, saving, debt, college, and overall life goals.  I am grateful to listen and talk with them as they find their path.  I feel like it's something that's never clear, we just have ro keep walking...


elizabeth said...

Martha, you have been sick ? :(((((( I am so sorry. I am glad for all the good in your life! I think a lot of life is just doing the next thing - so I understand this in relation to your girls just at the beginning stages of their adult life! God bless them! and all of you!!!

WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

Dear Martha,
Fr. Arseny is definitely the book to put things into perspective! Please email me your snail mail address and let's write! I'm not on any social media either. Done with it a long time ago. Good to catch up with you from your blog posts - so sorry about your finger. wendyb1963@[at]sbcglobal[spam].net

gretchenjoanna said...

I have been thinking that I'm ready for another reading of Father Arseny. Thank you for the prompt!