Flowers are still blooming in upstate New York. The tall pink cleomes are one of my favorite. Overall, it's been warmer than usual this fall.

My mom took this photo when she was here last month. We still don't have a working bath or shower. Hopefully tomorrow the electrician will be here and we'll be able to install the hot water heater we got and then finish up with the plumbing.
I bought a bushel of apples for $12 this afternoon. That's half the price I've paid in the past!
We have been sick, either bad colds, maybe a sinus infection, or the virus...whatever it was, last week was difficult. Plenty of sleep, hot tea, honey and diffusing essential oils. All is well, now.
Monday, we went to Glimmerglass state park. There's a covered bridge that was built in 1825. That's almost 200 years.
It reached 73 F and it was such a nice outing. The water felt cool, but the sun was hot, so it was appreciated.
A dragonfly landed near George as he climbed by the wood.
We got hay delivered from a nearby farm. Our propane is hooked up to the stove, so we can cook and bake. We had been using a Coleman burner, the toaster oven and then last week decided to buy a 1 unit electric burner, so much safer indoors... But now, I can make several items on the stove top simultaneously!
There's a chestnut tree on our property. Have you ever roasted or eaten them?
I was glad to see that the chrysanthemums we planted on my father's grave are still pretty.
What does fall look like where you are?