My husband bought cream of tartar for homemade play dough. The boys were sick for several days last week, but we are ready to start up regular activities now. We got a squishy circuit lite set in November and needed new play dough to run the circuit. Our 6 year old really likes watching the mini lights go on! Our 3 year old kneaded, rolled and poked the dough.
I used Himalayan pink salt in the recipe and added dried powdered turmeric to some, so there's a pale salmon color and yellow ochre.
A friend whose children are just a little older than our boys gave us these gently used matching Hanna Andersson pajamas!

We got to watch Olivia LIVE with her colorguard girls who were down in Dallas, TX for a few days last week with the band + football team who played in the Cotton Bowl.
We made cocoa cookies and George is becoming quite good at rolling out the dough. We put them in tins and will save them for Nativity...4 more days!
We got another load of gravel! The kittens are 15 weeks old now.
Paul's Godfather and his wife and their two children came to visit. They gave us so many gifts, the "My Synaxarion" books are really nice.
We went to the Russian History Museum, which has some lovely icons, vestments, metal items and more.
If you want a play dough recipe, there's a great one that will also conduct the electricity to complete a circuit: