we'll be trying out a strawberry rhubarb crisp recipe and making jam tomorrow! Below, is the rhubarb patch and I've plucked off several flowering stems already.Have you had carpal tunnel issues? I'm dealing with it now and it's worse at night. I've used ice packs, amber bracelet, cypress essential oil, magnesium supplements also magnesium flakes dissolved in water to apply to my wrists and hands. I had this with my previous pregnancy and am pretty sure it's due to my weight gain and the extra blood for the baby and placenta. My midwife said it will likely go away after baby is born. I haven't been crocheting much as any repetitive action makes it worse.
We've had days in the 80s, but cool mornings in the 60s. I got these new wool socks at a fiber fest near us! We talked to two people who can process the wool from our sheep, into fleece, roving or yarn, but it is expensive. I've made this quinoa salad a few times recently. It's wonderful as a cold summer salad. I add chopped peppers, red onions, cucumbers, lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Any summer dishes you've made that you can share?
Coffee With Sister Vassa: The Great Paradox
“*For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for My sake and the gospe...
23 hours ago