I thinly sliced 2 oranges and let them dry on a tray with parchment paper on top of our wood stove.
Our 5 year old has been drawing a lot recently. You can see he drew 3 tubes in the person above and, he said this person is eating chocolate. Below, is a drawing of him and the two different ice cream shops that he likes on either side. Then, a chocolate birthday cake with 6 candles for his next birthday, which he cut out after coloring his drawing.
I got a new journal as a gift and like how one can circle the date atop the page.
There is a proposal for 2 wind turbines (650 feet tall!) to be installed a few miles from our home. I've heard many things about how they will produce very little energy, and with the manufacture and transportation, in the end -19% investment! To install such a big turbine, they will need to prepare the land and blast a hole, so a 15 foot concrete foundation can be poured. The well water and ecosystem may be affected. There are also other places with turbines and the noise it makes is a pitch we can't hear, like a dog whistle, but can harm our neurological system. We fear it will be the start of even more.