It's cold + snowy here. The lakes near us have frozen over. There are 4 red and blue ice fishing tents set up on the lake just a walk away from our home. And we drove past the bigger lake (that's 9 miles across at the widest part) this morning, where there were probably 20 tents set up on the lake.
We got fresh snow about everyday in January. Paul started ski class. He's gone to 4 sessions and one day was just 9°F, but he enjoys it so much, that he usually stays out for the entire 3 hours! The first 2 lessons were learning the basics, how to fall and get up, snowblower stop, and go on the magic carpet (which takes you up the bunny slope), etc. Then, he went on the ski lift!
Our woodstove has kept us warm, if we keep the fire going, which we do. We have the Kitchen Queen, which is also a woodstove with an oven beside the firebox and top, I can boil a kettle of water for tea, fry eggs, onions and mushrooms, or ground beef, which I am doing this afternoon and making lasagna.
Keep warm and enjoy this beautiful day, because this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!