Hannah is 12 years old today...she invited 4 friends stay the night last
night, they spent the evening digging in the garden (Maddie got an amazing bunch of carrots, 6 of them intertwined), playing with the
chickens and jumping on the trampoline, no movie...which I think is
pretty great! I'd rather children (and adults) play and interact, instead of be entertained by electronics.
We tilled up the garden adding compost (egg shells, vegetable peels, rinds, and the chicken manure from our coop) and planted the seeds right into the ground the first week of April. In May, we started to harvest the lettuce. It's been 12 weeks and we're really harvesting now. I ♥ June, spring is beautiful, full of flowers, but what I love the most is summer the days are long, the sun is up for many hours and the flowers turn into fruit...or vegetables!
The girls helped shell the sweet peas. The yellow squash is very tender, we ate them raw. We also have purple carrots for the first time this year! Anyone can garden. Look at her apartment garden!
Coffee With Sister Vassa: The Great Paradox
“*For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for My sake and the gospe...
18 hours ago