Hannah started playing the guitar this month...she actually learned a few chords from friends at ORPR camp and has been singing along beautifully while she plays. Rob plays his mandolin everyday, singing "No Nay Never" and many other folk tunes.
Even I participated in the Graeter's coloring contest! Today is the last day of July, the deadline. When you turn in your page, you get a FREE cone. I got Elena's blueberry pie, Rob got caramel, Olivia got coconut chip and Hannah got mocha chip ice cream. Olivia actually won twice before.
Mmmm...I think we're going to make French bread pizzas tomorrow! I saw The Pioneer Woman's photo and had to share it. I have basil growing in a pot, not enough to make pesto, yet, but enough for pizza. It smells so good, everytime I brush up against it while watering it.
We found a tiny praying mantis in our backyard today. He came inside for a few minutes and crawled up our arms, into my camera and jumped around, he was quite curious. Then, we put him near the tomato plants. That's our dill...pretty dainty yellow flower:
Coffee With Sister Vassa: The Great Paradox
“*For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for My sake and the gospe...
17 hours ago