The Inn at Norton Hill:
This is where my grandfather's burial was...
Ashfield, MA is a little town with small lake, a couple of restaurants, a hardware store, a beautiful bed and breakfast. It was $150 a night but the room was so charming and the breakfast included was next door at Elmer's (perfect eggs Benedict):
I know I shouldn't mention unfasting things like this when we're in the midst of a fast for those of us who are Orthodox, but it's something that I have been wanting to learn how to make.
I never order french toast or pancakes when we're out because I do not like fake maple syrup, but this place had maple syrup made locally from Gray's Sugarhouse! My mom came with us, too.
That's my Aunt Sarah and her son Gideon, who is my youngest cousin. Paul loved playing with him, trying to do everything he did.
My grandfather's grave above, my great grandparents below, my great great grandparents, Annie & Edward. Their graves are old and a bit hard to read with all the lichen.