20 things that make me smile:
Sunshine on my face
A baby falling asleep in my arms
Seeing someone help another
A clean house
Brie en croute
Bare feet
The stars at night
Fresh air
The moon
Birds chirping
A good book
Being kissed
Yesterday, George repeatedly climbed up the chairs and stood on the table. Paul said "I'm sad because now we will have to put away our table...where will we eat dinner?" He remembered that 2 weeks ago we put the coffee table away (George was standing on that numerous times everyday and falling). We will keep the dining room table, and try to be patient through this stage. But it made me laugh. What makes you smile or laugh?
Taking Lent Seriously
*Dear Parish Faithful & Friends in Christ, *
Great Lent is the *“school of repentance.”* It is roughly equivalent to an*“annual
tithe”* in which we off...
6 hours ago
Such a good list. My 3.5 year old has been obsessed with the moon for over a year. Whenever she sees it (tonight, for example), she jumps up and squeals "My Moon! My Moon!" She says that it only belongs to her and her sister. It always makes me smile
I love this list. Such beautiful things, every one. And George's climbing reminded me of when my youngest daughter was little and she would climb everywhere, and the table was a favorite. She also spent a lot of time taking books off of shelves so she could climb into the space. We have a lot of shelf pictures from those days:) Such sweet memories! Paul's comment made me smile as well.
I hope this stage passes without any accidents. George is demonstrating his boyish need to explore his world to the farthest reaches! Paul's concern makes me smile, too.
That's cute! My kids always think the moon is following us when we drive somewhere.
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