
February 10, 2021

Variations of love

You can see how much snow we got!  Probably six inches.  I thought it was really neat how it is on the steps, below:
Poor little guy.  I just had to share that video.
I'm currently reading a book called In His Image by Jen Wilkin.  In it, the four different types of love in Greek are defined and explained.  Eros, philia, storge and agape. In the English language there is only one word.  Eros is romantic love.  Philia is brotherly love.  Storge is family love, like that of a parent for their child.  Agape is Godly love.  In the Bible, philia is referred to 54 times while agape is mentioned 259 times!

I might even say I LOVE snow or chocolate.  But that's not exactly the right word.

We are dipping strawberries in chocolate.  What do you do to show your love?


elizabeth said...

awwww poor little fella getting snowed on suddenly!!! :) I still need to finish CS Lewis' _The 4 Loves_ that talk about exactly that. :) how nice about the strawberries with chocolate! how delicious! :)

Howlinghive said...

What a dreamy snow day!! You got hit all the notes, playfulness, cozy treats, and togetherness! How lovely.

Martha said...

I need to look for that book!

karen said...

look at that deep deep sleep! Nice amount of snow! We have lots and lots but I heard we might get rain in a few days and that will ruin it for sure.

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