It's been quite a week. Slow. Prayers, prostrations with my little boys is always fun, they thrive on the physical actions. However, we seem to have another cold, runny noses and temptations to judge who it was who got us sick. In reality, we need to just boost our immune system, so we can get sick and heal.

Used spirulina powder this morning in my simple breakfast...it has many health benefits that I was just reading about, energy boost, can help prevent cancer as it increases antibody production, anti-inflammatory, and it may be the most nutrient dense food!
Last week, the boys and I went to the art museum with my mom and one daughter, who didn't have school on Thursday. The week before, we went with our other daughter. It was nice to be out and about. We had discussions about nudity after looking at a beautiful white marble sculpture of Eve. Lately, I'm feeling there are a lot of things to discuss, as an individual, or society, is it right? What are we doing?
Rain these past few days, and happy mini daffofils in our yard.
Daffodils are the harbinger of spring here as well. Their yellow brightens dreary spring days, doesn't it? Tough conversations all around us these days, aren't there? May your words be blessed.
love the green drink! Looks like spring! I miss babysitting the little preschooler but I do NOT miss all the colds she had. Hopefully when the weather warms the colds will go away for you!
I spot signs of spring! Spirulina is very good for you. I use in in smoothies now and then. I sure hope you are all feeling better soon. :)
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