
April 15, 2021

Quality time

How do you show you care for someone?  Showing them respect, calling them by their name, or doing something meaningful together?   A friend gave me this pretty green, white and pink plant  
Many many violets this year!  I intended to make jelly, but we made violet lemonade instead!
It was good!  Pour 3 cups of boiling water over 2 cups of violets (or enough to cover the violets) in a glass bowl and let steep for a few hours, until cooled, then strain.  We added 1/2 cup lemon juice to the violet water and like magic, it turns from a blue to pink!  I added about a cup of sugar and mixed well.  Then it was SO sweet, we added more water to taste.
We went to three parks so far this week.  
Spending quality time together is important and we do have the quantity, but it's often not quality.  An emphasis on what we can do together, whether it's a chore (we watched the movie Mary Poppins last week and singing while tidying can make it enjoyable), or something the child or adult chooses.  We take turns deciding who gets to choose, maybe reading together.  In my opinion, watching a movie doesn't count!  Also, it can be as quick as 2 minutes, or maybe 2 hours.  Like making bread together, as we are today.  

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