Last night, we went to a community folk dance. Here, they're doing the Virginia Reel. A reel can be done as long as one likes, and there were quite a few dancers, it was probably about 20 minutes long. My 3 year old was my partner for about 10 minutes. They learned to "Do-si-do!"
Snowflake nursing her 2 babies who are now 5 and a half weeks old. Since I walked over, she is bracing herself to stand up and see what I've got for her. I often drain a can of tuna into their bowl. Her sister, Sandy, is inside the barn with her 4 kittens.
A lovely sunset and our lambs, who are now 4 months old.
Our cows like to eat burdock leaves and we have plenty! We go to the local library weekly and someone had brought brownies, hence the chocolate smile above.This is my Bell's Palsy face. I'm trying to smile, but my right side is still pretty paralyzed, although I can close my eye without using my hand to force it closed.
These kittens are fun to watch, playing with each other everyday. Sandy's kittens are 10 days old now and have just opened their eyes, but nurse and huddle together to sleep most of the time.
Coffee With Sister Vassa: The Great Paradox
“*For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for My sake and the gospe...
1 day ago