I forgot to mention last week that I went to my 1st ever acupuncture appointment. My daughter gave me money to go, as a birthday gift. The acupuncturist listened to me about my issues with Lyme and Bell's Palsy and then cleaned the area with alcohol before inserting needles. I believe there were a total of 7. After, I could feel my nerves feeling reinvigorated. Here is the a needle I brought home:
Sunrise this morning over the lake on the monastery property. We went to the 6am Liturgy.
This past Sunday, they blessed water and also honey! We got a jar for $25. The monk Father Paisios cares for the bees and harvested some last week.
I unpacked a box of art supplies for the children. Crayons, markers, oil pastels, and a small package of Model Magic by Crayola. George asked for a knife to cut it in half and gave part to Paul. We are ready to delve into homeschooling! This past Fri. I turned in the IHIP (individual home instruction plan) for 2022-2023. I plan to use McGuffey readers, plenty of library books, my sister-in-law gave us a science curriculum
Picture Perfect Science that she bought that came with books,
Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic series - Book 1, which recommends
making a coin purse with $1 bill, (we also added 2 quarters) 20 dimes, 20 nickels, and 50 pennies, an art study of Da Vinci's
Mona Lisa and portraits by Rembrandt, and then using a mirror draw a self-portrait. I believe we did one at the beginning of each year with Hannah and Olivia.

Friends came and camped in our yard the past 2 weekends. It's been nice to have guests. They seem to enjoy seeing the animals. We currently have:
- 10 sheep
- 8 cats
- 5 cows
- 4 hogs
- 1 goat (that belongs to a friend, who we've been babysitting for 2 months)
- About 35 chickens (5 belong to the friends also, below is their handsome rooster)Last week we went to the concert in the park and one of the ladies who I've been talking to regularly encouraged me to go to the acupuncturist. When I told her that it went well, she gave me money (it's $65/hour), so that I could go back again to help heal. So kind!