The fall colors are beautiful here! I haven't made a sign yet, but we'd like to call our place Morningsong farm. Should "morning" and "song" be separate?
We took our 1st trip out of state since we moved to upstate New York a year ago. A friend of ours who lives in Massachusetts celebrated his 40th birthday! We met up with my Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jim and took a tour of the Boott cotton mill, a National historic park in the town of Lowell. They restored some of the looms and were actively weaving while we toured. Then, we went on a trolley to the canal boat tour, which was really neat. I bought a few kitchen cotton towels made on the looms there. Paul and George earned a junior ranger park badge!
Today is Saturday. I mixed in chicken manure to our garden and planted garlic cloves. In the spring, I'll cut back the tops (scapes to cook up with eggs), then hope that we will get big garlic bulbs in late summer.
I'm using up scraps of yarn I've had to make some little bowls.
In the above photo, there are the 2 cats who had their 1st batches of kittens in June and July. Snowflake was looking pregnant, so I canceled her spay appointment, kept the appointment for Sandy, as her kittens had been actively nursing from her, still, while eating dry cat food well. All their kittens are in their new homes now. Then, Snowflake just gave birth to 3 little ones in the layloft! I didn't think she was that close to giving birth, but now am so glad I canceled that appointment. Now to make one in 8-10 weeks!