All the crafts! Weaving on a rectangular cardboard loom we made with a strip of fabric. Maybe we'll get bigger and make a rug next. Below, a yarn on a circle loom that we made (that's a Yoda t-shirt someone gave him):

Olivia gave Paul a pottery wheel and he thinks it's pretty great! Here's a video of him using it: remember making these with 2 popsicle sticks when I was about this age. When I showed him this, he wanted to make one with tassels, too.
Maybe you can tell by his eyes, he was feeling poorly and running a low grade fever that day, but needed something to do. He's better now.
A book about the Kursk icon, which he bound himself! He's into any craft he can try right now. It's good to have indoor projects when it's been SO cold outside.

She gave George a geology kit with stones embedded in a clay brick for him to chisel out, a bag with sand to pan for gold and a mini magnifying glass which he thinks is the BEST.We got a wooden frame loom with heddle to move every other cord on the warp up and down, so one can pass a shuttle through easily without having to go over-under each one! Weaving is fun!!
I am crocheting something wonderful, and not exactly sure what it is, just nice to create something, probably will add a zipper for a knitting pouch! Have you ever done mosaic crochet? I saw some cool projects and want to try it out!
my kids loved to craft and make many things. (I guess I do too!). Lovely crafting!!
What fun gifts your boys got for Christmas. I, too, remember making those little weavings on popsicle sticks when I was a child, too (which was quite a bit longer ago than when you were a child). :) It's so fun to see handcrafts that survive (or revive) over decades. Making things with our hands never grows old! I have not tried mosaic crochet, but it produces a lovely effect.
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