
July 3, 2023


My husband has an excavator and has been digging trenches to run water lines 4 feet deep (where they shouldn't freeze), to hydrants near the pasture where the sheep and cows are... Should make this winter a little easier.  Their water trough freezes, our hose would also freeze, so we had been hauling buckets out to them.
George found a pretty stripe feather.  He collects eggs:
Our cows like to eat burdock leaves.  Here's another video:
A friend gave us this bouquet of flowers from her garden.  Aren't they beautiful?


Gretchen Joanna said...

You are busy bees working in the summer, when digging can be done, to prepare for winter! The hens are also doing a little digging. God bless you!

karen said...

may all that digging solve the problem!!

Brooke said...

George is so cute!

Becki said...

In my recently surgery recovery, a few friends have brought me garden cut flowers and they have been so pleasant to have around. I planned on having a garden flower this summer, but it was not to be, in the end, with what I had going on. So thankful for my friends doing this sweet thing for me.