Holding my head up and pulling my shoulders back to a relaxed position feels better than my often hunched over profile.
If I haven't put a pillow under the baby, while I nurse, I lean forward in a way that may cause back pain. Also, using my back in a symmetrical way helps, sweeping using the right and then left feels fair. I'm trying to put Elijah in the carrier, if he needs to sleep, and whatever I need to do, whether vacuum, laundry or something outside, usually results in a nap. Must be the fluidity of movement relaxes him. I listened to Katy Bowman talk about movement in our sedentary world. A friend recently recommended her to me. Getting outside everyday is wonderful. I collected some leaves. The fresh air feels so good in my lungs. So, I think about my posture as I walk along these days.
We put Elijah down on a blanket more often. Not just on his back, but on his stomach, too. Tummy time is done every day for a few minutes and will:
- help develop strong neck and shoulder muscles
- promote gross motor skills
- prevent flat head issues
- build core muscles needed to crawl, sit, and walk
- quality time with other little siblings