
June 15, 2024

Honey bees

We got honey bees on Wednesday, from our friend, Father Paisios, who is a monk at the monastery.  Here's a little video of him showing us the frame and transferring them from the box to the hive in our yard.
I spent $10 at a yard sale and got this Japanese paper print, a set of 8 wide teacups and saucers, 7 books, a watering can, plus, the boys had their own money and got an old wood rubber band gun and a backpack.
From the eve of Ascension this past week, they have the Litia outdoors when the weather is warm.
This little guy will be 9 months old in a couple days.  He crawls and is starting to pull up and hold on with just 1 hand.  Here, he is tossing the blocks to the carpet.

And here is another video, little bubbles for little brother. George is wearing his suit, because we just came home from church. The boys do dress nicely almost every Sunday (as we've gotten a lot of nice hand-me-downs from my nephews) at least a button up shirt and slacks.
I made a macrame hanger!  I ordered this cotton and bamboo cord from this Belgian company about 6 months ago: We've made about 10 already using the natural colored fiber, gave most away as gifts.  Now, we are using the teal and blue cord!


Gretchen Joanna said...

I'm excited with you about the bees! I wish I had enough property for some bees, but reportedly the best place for them here would be the corner of the lot that is already taken by permanent things. I get vicarious enjoyment from you homesteaders who have bees, chickens, and other livestock. God bless you, and have a wonderful Pentecost!

karen said...

nine months!!! my oh my does time fly. Good luck with bee keeping.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! We just spent $300 on new frames, a smoker and scraping tool. We'll borrow a protective suit from a friend. It's an investment, but hopefully the health + yield is worth it. I plan to give honey as Christmas gifts!

Becki said...

I admire bee keepers. I think because I can't imagine being so at home with handling bees. I'm amazed your littlest is 9 months old. I could tell in recent pictures he's growing quickly, I just didn't realize how quickly! And I'm so glad you showed your macrame hanger. They are so pretty - and practical for putting a plant right where it needs to be for light.