I rarely buy cards, homemade ones are the best. Throughout my childhood and adult life, I've had so many sweet people say they like the cards I make for them! So I'm thinking I'll make a set of cards for each of the winners. Lent begins soon, and ends at the Lord's Resurrection (Pascha), so here are some festive I've made in the past:
This one I made 5 years ago:And this one I made 7 years ago, made lots of color copies of them to give to each person who gave us a gift at the baby shower or upon Hannah's arrival:
I love using ink. I used india ink a lot and fell in love with this waterproof walnut ink, used a thin watercolor brush to "draw" and then added watercolours.
Now, my friend Deb "tagged" me. I'm supposed to share the 5th photo of my 5th folder, then tag 5 more people. My 5th folder contains scrapbook pages (that I scanned in for myself) I did for my parents:
Now, I'm going to tag: