
March 18, 2016

6 months old

One of my favorite photos taken by my friend, Katie -
And another...hope little Paul keeps his blue eyes like his big sis Olivia and red hair like Hannah!
We all had sweet potatoes yesterday!  It was his 1st time having anything besides milk and a sip of water.
Me, Rob and Paul before the St. Patrick's day parade.  Olivia was dancing with the McGing Irish dancers and Hannah came with my sister.  I love the photos below of my mom reaching out to hug Hannah.
 We walked in the parade behind Olivia's group.
 My niece in the middle.
 And Olivia is on the left in this photo...
We just started Great Lent this week.  Trying to clean up around the house, and simplify things.  Hannah just bought this book Spark Joy by Marie Kondo.  Really good for the start of Lent, in my opinion.  Pascha is May 1st this year!

1 comment:

DebD said...

It's been so long since I've been to your blog... love the photo collection, even if I already see them on FB. It's nice to read a blog every once in a while.