This is the Guernsey cow, named Nelly, who we just milked.
We peeked in on the new chicks and admired the full grown hens and beautiful rooster.
It's really nice to walk around the farm.
Hannah took the ACT in school, while Olivia test drove a bigger car she designed in her 1st bell class on Tuesday.
Painting, inspired by fruit at the Red Balloon on Tuesday. Every week, I have a class and it's always fun to see the kids get creative. My vision of still life paintings is more appropriate for children who are older, but they still seemed to like talking about what they like to eat and were anxious to finish their paintings and eat this fruit...
I just finished this book on the right,
The Mirrored World, historical fiction of the life of Saint Xenia written from her cousin, Dasha's perspective.
We visited a friend on Wednesday, she has a little rocking chair, that was used and appreciated.
Timothy is 4 years old. Paul adores his cousin, they are a year and half apart...and will be better and better friends as they grow.
We got the hammock out! Warmer weather is here and sunshine!!
Taking Carlee for a walk. She's feeling better. She's hard to walk, though, sees a squirrel or another dog and just lunges, she doesn't understand that cars coming down the road are dangerous, so we're working with her.