
March 19, 2018

Church life

Yesterday was Olivia's namesday.  St. Oliva was a Christian and was martyred in 138 AD.  Our daffodils have opened!
I went to a Lenten Retreat on Saturday and heard a beautiful talk about Orthodox aesthetics by Krista West of Salem, OR. If you would like to hear part of the talk * here * is the talk she gave while in San Francisco.
Krista orders these fabrics from Greece to make vestments.  She talked about many ways the Orthodox church is beautiful, the layers and history, many different materials, not just fabric, but metal, wood, paint that go together to form a whole experience.  I kept thinking "gestalt" it's what you feel when you walk into an amazing church.  Overwhelming beauty.
Here is my newest little Goddaughter.  She was baptised last week.


GretchenJoanna said...

Congratulations on the new goddaughter! Many Years!

Just that one piece of vestment fabric you show is so beautiful. I will like to watch that video on aesthetics. Thank you, Martha!

WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

Love Kh. Krista! She's spoken several times at our parish, and I so much appreciate all she has to say about the importance of beauty in our churches and our lives! Happy belated name day to your daughter, Olivia. :)