
April 6, 2019

Sun & clouds

Today we had a yard sale.  It's finally warm enough & not raining.  Paul said, "I want more freckles."
So much sun!  And clouds!!
 5 months old!
Our library has a free preschool program put on by the YMCA.  They were listening to classical music & told to turn on their listening ears & close their eyes to help them focus!  Below, they learned about the moon phases.
 Nap time.  And knitting & reading!
I put George in his outdoor suit, on a cooler day this week.  I was hoping to go out for a walk, but Paul needed my help in the bathroom & when I came back, I was surprised to see that George was sound asleep!
I'm knitting the Selene scarf and hope to have it done by Pascha.  This coming week I plan to wear the same simple dress every day (with different sweaters and scarves) inspired by the company called "wool&" and


elizabeth said...

A lot of nice things! 😊💕🤩🎈

GretchenJoanna said...

I wonder how many hours in the sun it might take Paul to get those freckles he wants. :-)

I'd love to see the days of your week with the same dress/different outfits! Might you do a post on that? Perhaps Paul could take your picture every day...?

I had some sun to sit under in the garden this afternoon and it was SO good.

Tracy said...

How lovely is that program for preschoolers at your library and all the things they do! I'd like to go too! ;) How SWEET is George at 5 months--goodness how much he's grown! That little bear suit... tooo CUTE!! Fun to see your knitting--look forward to seeing your Pascha scarf!! Happy Days ((HUGS))