
March 30, 2019

Yard work

Yesterday, we went to Grammie's house.  My 13 year old niece drew this:
She gave her couch to a couple who just moved to town, and bought this love seat.
Outside, we helped pick up sticks.
We set up the high chair!  He's really too wobbly for it, though.
I've been losing a lot of hair, everytime I shower or brush my hair, but this is normal post-partum.  I'm taking advice of others and hoping to help...
The NEW menu at the Red Balloon, where I resumed working this week.  Our 4 month old snoozed while I made cookies.
Rob & Paul camped in the tent in our backyard! 
It's starting to warm up and I'm so glad to spend more time outside.  Yard work to come...hoping to have a good garden.  I got seeds from and am most excited about the loofah gourd.


GretchenJoanna said...

I didn't know you had an outside job - but this sounds like you were home at the same time (same paragraph), baking cookies... ?

The hair falling out is just because when you are pregnant your hair *doesn't* fall out, so there is extra afterward. Nine months' worth! At least, that's what I was always told. I wonder if this is the body's way of staying warmer while the baby is in the womb?

Tracy said...

So NICE to catch up with you & yours here, Martha! WOW... a high chair! aaawww... he looks so grown up sitting that! So sweet... :))) Hope you all are having a Blessed Great Lent ((HUGS))

Jeannette said...

It is always sweet to see your family pictures!