
November 13, 2022

Beeswax candles

We had a tour of the candle making facility after Liturgy today for Sunday School and also got to make some candles. When we got home, George lit his!  We also made a fire in the woodstove as it's finally cooled off.  There were flurries in the air.
This week we decided to separate Bella and her 8 month old calf, Ferdinand, so we have a lot of milk, about 2 gallons every day.  We drink a lot of milk.  I'm making cheese.  We also give it to the pigs as a treat sometimes. We made cardboard looms to weave on and here's my project:  


elizabeth said...

Some nice things!! Love beeswax candles ❤️🙏🕯

karen said...

no flurries here but they say there might be some, I hope so! Love the beeswax candles and an already lit one!!