
February 27, 2024


The sun is shining and it's 64°f here!  We were outside gathering sticks and pulling up weeds.  Lots of burdock.

For our homeschool, we've been doing more multiplication and started division with Paul.  Even George is interested, when we play Yahtzee after, which is a fun way to get practice multiplying or adding up your numbers.

I'm crocheting a cactus pillow.  I still haven't found my box with my knitting needles in it, even though it's been nearly two and a half years since we moved from Ohio to New York.  We moved from the cottage (as we're calling the small house where we've been living) into the main house about 2 weeks ago. So, we've been unpacking the boxes in the garage finding things I've missed but didn't have space for.

My husband did so much work and it is beautiful.  Lots of wood, specifically ash, hickory and larch.  We had the bedroom floors refinished (there was lead paint on them), saved wood and ran it though a planer (had to get new blades for that, twice) and ended up redoing the stairs completely.  The doors to the bedrooms are pretty small, maybe 6 foot, at most.  We had our house blessed and Father John is tall, but was careful.

For our ladies Bible study group, with Father Serge, we meet every 2 weeks, sometimes just once a month.  We take turns baking something to go with tea and also have a discussion with Matushka Masya.  We've been reading a few chapters of Unseen Warfare and now are on Ch. 34 and 35.  I found an audio, if you're interested.  Specifically, they are about virtues and humility.  Even if I glean just a little from each one, it gives me something to work on, spiritually.


karen said...

love all the wood accents, so warm and cozy!!

Becki said...

How beautiful and warm is the wood. Blessings on you all as you begin enjoying your new-to-you home.