May 29, 2008
May 27, 2008
Baby swiss, anyone?

May 22, 2008
Going to see some butterflies!
***Goodnews: My sister Mary and her fiance have discussed their potential move to Kiev, Ukraine and after much thought have told NATO that they can't take the job! I would've really missed her. We all would have, although I know we'd still talk often. I'm glad to have them on the same continent!
May 18, 2008
Recital video
...and the cute lil girl in turquoise third from the right, once the video starts playing (when it's "still" she's the 2nd from the right).
A few beautiful rhubarb stalks!
We went to a birthday party this weekend. There was a report of "missing" is one of the detectives that helped solve the case:
I sliced up zucchini and layered it in there....
May 16, 2008
I'm going to print a thumbnail of this photo... put on this ATC I made yesterday.
It's the first time she's had curlers in her hair. I think she's so cute. Unfortunately, her hair is so straight (and beautiful, but the teacher wants them to have curly hair for the recital)....that it didn't last long at all. Andrea brought over her hot-curling iron but that didn't last either (we added mousse and hairspray, too).
P.S. An ATC is an "artist trading card." Usually 2.5 x 3.5" the same size of a playing card (as in a deck of cards) that folks started decorating and trading just for fun. I have joined a few swaps, but really love to make them for myself. A mini work of art, doesn't take much time & I add it to my sleeve of cards (7gypsies manufactures a holder, or put them in a small box....or you can get a baseball card sleeve to go in a binder, if you like)!
May 12, 2008
Last week of school....

May 9, 2008
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

May 6, 2008

May 2, 2008
I plan to bake another batch of....
I got some neat recipe cards...
Slice it so that you have a circle for a slice....and top with this: (click to enlarge)
My sister, Mary, is moving to Kiev, Ukraine (her fiance just got a job there) later this year! Part of me is jealous, she's a world traveller, I wish I could do the same, but having young children, my husband is very protective...of them and me, too.
Joscie, my scrapping friend from Hawaii, is featured here: I love the page she designed! She's awesome and inspiring. Congratulations, Joscie!