
September 8, 2008

Full weekend!

Friday, I painted the girls' nails. Last month, before Mary's wedding, I had a french manicure done at a local salon school...I think it was $7. So, I bought a bottle of white and clear paint and did it myself, even less expensive!

Uncle Aaron's wedding was beautiful! They are now in Myrtle Beach.
This is how we opened our 3rd annual Russian Fest...with my dad, Fr. Paul, holding the icon of St. George and singing The Lord's prayer. In all, we made about $8,000 for our church. It was a lot of hard work, but so worth it. I met many kind people, the weather was perfect, maybe 70 and sunny!
I sang with the folk group this year, it was great fun, I learned several new songs....I am in the middle.
The "tea shop" where you can get baked goods and a few homemade blini!
Hannah and I...ready to paint faces! My favorite thing to paint was the "firebird."
Listening to the music...that's my mom, Emma, and Hannah!
Altar server, 9-year old Gabriel's "Little Russian Shop." Quite impressive. He earned $1,400 for our church!
Great grocery list from here!


Rachel said...

Sounds like the Russian Fest was fun and profitable.

Love the french tip on her nails.

Thanks for stopping by and the "good wishes".


Anne Elizabeth said...

You did a great job on their nails! I have a hard time doing the french manicure myself. It looks like you all had so much fun this weekend. I can't believe how much you raised. That is amazing!

Anne Marie said...

Wish I could have been there, it looks like a lot of fun -- great photos Martha!

DebD said...

congratulations to the newly married! How exciting for the family

WooHOO! on the successful festival. Those are fun but exhausting. Hope you get some rest this week.

Rosemary said...

Glad to hear the festival went so well for the church, from the photos it looks as though everyone was enjoying themselves thoroughly!

Unknown said...

I love my French mani! It always makes me feel so put together.

What a great weekend! I want to hang with y'all.

eMeLiNe Seet said...

it's eye opening to see pics from the other side of the world !:)

Meadowlark Days said...

Congrats on the festival! Fun photos. Would've loved to have been there!

::Sylvia:: said...

Oops. I left my first comment under the wrong post. I meant the bag in this post, lol.

I love the grocery list! Thanks for sharing!!

How's the schooling going?

Xenia Kathryn said...

Hi Marfa,
You are a winner in my "Commenters Appreciation Week" drawing! Stop by and check it out :D Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a fantastic weekend. Congrats on the success of your festival.

Emily R. said...

The festival looked like a lot of fun!!!

Hey...I'm going to Scrapmania at Archivers on Sept 19th!!!

Btw...Cute blouse your wearing at the festival!!

Loreluca said...

Very impressive little one raising so much money! I love face painting! I've never painted anyone's face, but I love Coco's face painted!
I'd certainly would be singing, too! not as good, I'm pretty sure, but nonetheless, I would!
Looks like a beautiful festival. Martha! Lots of hugs!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! The festival looks like so much fun!

Xen Xen said...

Looks like everything went well! Hope ours goes quite as well as yours did, our first is saturday and I will be singing, both liturgical and folk music...should be interesting ;-)
XO, talk to you soon!

Kim Watson said...

I think Olivias 'French' looks SO adorable...much cheaper for you to do it, & a great job too :o)

It is so great that you managed to raise so much money...see all the hard work was worth it. I didn't know you sing, you look like you'd have a very pretty voice too :o)
Hugs to you all!

Matushka said...

This is beautiful! I wish we lived closer to come!

M. Michelle

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would have loved to have gone to your Russian Festival. I love your photo with the fan, it's great!!

Susan Sophia said...

I'd love to hear more about your festival. I'm amazed at the amount of money you raised. Our little mission really needs to do something like that. They talk about it a lot but I think are unsure of how to go about it.
If you wouldn't mind sharing with me all the different things you did at the festival I'd love it to hear. Either by email or on your blog.
susansophia.f [at] gmail [dot]com

Jennifer Davis said...

Busy, busy, busy! =) That first photo is just beautiful! Thanks for sharing the grocery lists!

Have a wonderful weekend!


h west said...

I went to a Russian Festival yesterday too! (it was Xen Xen's) It was really fun! So. . .a Pampered Chef consultant! Is there anything new I have to have?!?!?! I, actually, am not a CM consultant. I used to be, but couldn't keep it going. I will still use ONLY CM stuff though. I guess I'm kind of a snob that way! I agree with you about the China thing, though. I hate looking at my beautiful CM album and then looking at the logo and seeing 'Made in China'. I am, however, an Arbonne consultant. Have you heard of it? AMAZING skincare- made in the USA to boot. I love it. Great products. Great company. Are you the moderator of that flickr 'people with Icons' thingie? I want to join. I put in my request, but don't know if it made it through! This comment is longer than a post!!!!!! Happy Exaltation of the Cross!

Megan said...

WOW! they did make out really, really well! btw, the fingernails are so precious!


::Sylvia:: said...

BTW-forgot to ask, did you ever get your string beans I sent? Hope all is well! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm looking forward to our church's bazaar. We have one twice a year. The next one is in November. They are great fun!