So, I use this recipe from Joy of Cooking. After I add the starter (initially, I got Stonyfield Organic yogurt, which has L. Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. Casei and L. Reuteri...lots of cultures, and sets nicely, now I just save 2 tablespoons from my previous batch) I mix it well, leave it for 8 hours before checking it and then put it in the fridge. It's great with raspberries and honey. One of our favorite breakfasts here is crepes and yogurt!

Click on the image for a larger version!
Next, I want to make mozarella!
I love to take photos and scrapbook. Someone made these cute butterflies for me with their Cuttlebug and I sewed them onto this page of the girls rollerblading. I make cards, too. I'm going to do a homemade giveaway at the end of this week! Keep checking...
What do you like to make?
I like to make a MESS!!! ;)
I love crafting, just about anything that involves a needle I will try! Then I also love scrapbooking, and cooking too... funny thing is, I was a tomboy as a kid. My mom still cannot believe that I know how to use a needle (I used to STAPLE the hem of my school uniform when it would get undone!!!)
Cute layout! What do I like to make...well, anything with paper! LOL! As far as in the kitchen I love to bake cupcakes!!! I like to play with the recipes and stuff, but I'm not very good at it, so it can be amusing at times! LOL!
I've made yogurt a couple of times and it never sets up well. The recipe I use says powered milk or gelatin is optional to make it thicker but I don't add those. Does yours turn out thicker? My children like it blended with fruit as smoothie.
I love making mozzarella and blogged about it this summer. The recipe you have is pretty much the one I use. It is VERY easy!
Have fun!
Crafts? If I had time I'd probably embroider. I can embroider, quill and am learning to knit but haven't touched it in months. Maybe over the winter.
I love homemade yogurt. I've never made it before but my mom made it all the time when I was growing up.
I love to bake bread. Especially cinnamon rolls:) I also really like to scrapbook!
I like to make soup. And I like to do all kinds of crafting!
Wow! I've never even tried! You rock, girl!
Awesome LO!!! I can't believe you make your own yogurt! Maybe that will be something we tackle NEXT year ;)
I love that page! Hmmm, I don't think I'm really good at making ANYTHING. I wish I could make a decent dinner...does that count? I do love making scrapbook pages, but unfortunately haven't had a free moment to create one. I love your blog!
Oooo. . .I love scrapbooking. But I don't get into all the frills, I must admit. But I LOVE pretty paper. I've been known to quadruple matte a photo because of all the loveliness that is. . .paper
Oh, I love that you used the butterflies! Yay, yay, super, yay! =)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
I used to make my own yogurt like a decade ago....I don't know why I don't now...too lazy I suppose :o)
Now mozzarella sounds like a good idea....I might try it too once you've tried the recipe...:o)
I like trying pretty much every craft at least once.
You have such an interesting blog, Martha, you are always experimenting with something new and it seems to work out - good for you!
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