I got a package in the mail today...Aunt Ellen sent us a cheese making kit! Right away I got the stuff out to make a batch of mozarella. It was so easy, I just can't believe it! Now, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with the leftover whey. Any ideas?
Make ricotta with the whey. It's so easy and you need no other enzymes or cultures. It's delicious.
hey, I have no idea how to make cheese ! TEACH ME PLEASE ??? I want to learn. I just bought $70 worth of HOLLAND CHEESE .... tell me I didn't get RIPPED OFF ! They are good cheese though, maybe my last time to buy that cheese - can't afford that in a daily basis.
I spent too much money at the bazaar, mainly for Jaina's christmas gift (German Music box) & I got a big Matrushka doll ? (russian). I'll be sending u a package next week - so look out ! (smiles)
Just wanna send "HUGS & LOVES".
WOWSERS, woman! You are just such a crafty, resourceful lady! AND you are pretty, too, what else can your hubby ask for? ;)
Wish I knew how to make cheese. LOVE cheese!! Mozzarella, fresh, blue... all of them! I'll have to look for a kit now...
Hugs, my dear!
Ooooh enjoy making cheese (you know, Blessed are the Cheesemakers and all that ;) )
And, typing! I know, my kids both know and have for years, it was in my Freshman year I learned.
your. blog. makes. me smile!! lovely posts & pictures! :)
I wish I could type properly instead of with two fingers...always good to start young! Thanks for visiting my blog. Diana x
Hi! You have been tagged on my blog :)
I'm with Loreluca...you have got to be the most industrious person I know. Let us all know how the mozzarella turns out OK! We LOVE cheese in our household too....now if I could just make it....what a bonus that would be. At least I would be guaranteed that there are no growth hormones in it(most milk in Africa is full of hormones, we pay a premium to get clean milk...but it is worth it because the effect on growing children is horrific.
I love the butterfly L.O's by the way....butterflies are my newest fav thing too right now.
Marsh Pennywort?
A cheese making kit.....That's an awesome little gift! I wanna make some cheese :o)
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