Well, I am a happy person, so no one is going to change that! However, I do know of someone who is guilty of fraud, who is going to be the leader of America in a few months...and he will get absolutely no respect from me. I truly fear he is possibly the anti-Christ.
I think we're going to move to Alaska. At least there we'll have a governor who is honest. We've always dreamt of Alaska, we both love salmon, snow, nature and animals abound. There are a myriad of Orthodox churches there, too.
Shy little bird in the rib cage.
“Three forces carved the landscape of my life. Two of them crushed half the
world. The third was very small and weak and, actually, invisible. It was a
8 hours ago
I have to say, though, moving to Russia may be on the horizon for us (if not a ways off yet). At least there you know what to expect, plus soon it will be a true Christian nation :)
Though my sentiment is not quite as harsh as yours, I am working on my own escape plan. Though, I'm wondering what I'm trying to escape. I have absolutely no trust in Obama whatsoever. But I think that the problems in our nation that both McCain and Obama are trying to solve will not get at the root- which is the breakdown of the family. Neither one of them could have fixed that. Good luck with your plans. . .We'll see where we all end up. I wouldn't mind Alaska. . .ummm. . .except for the fact that I LOATHE cold weather.
I agree with you. People voted for "hope and change" and "yes we can"....but what exactly does Obama stand for??? Obama fans are so blinded by his lies and false promises that they don't even know the changes he wants to bring to America. High taxes, free and widespread abortion, civilian securtiy force (sounds like something Hilter did, eh?), he said the constitution is "fundamentally flawed" and the list goes on.
Wow, Russia a Christian nation? I love the Russian Orthodox Church, but not exactly Russia! Putin tried to take over Georgia and wants to take Ukraine. He's not a Christian man.
Martha - let's just see how things play out. All of us have a voice to use when we don't like what Congress is doing and nothing gets through without Congress.
Be not afraid, God is always with us.
I am surprised to see someone else think of the anti-christ lately. HMMMMMMM.
If I were to write how I felt right now it would be what h west wrote, exactly.
One thing I do want to add and that is we NEED to TRUST GOD! He is ultimately in control of the entire universe. We need to have faith and trust that He is in charge of this as well. We may not understand, ever, but He does.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him,And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
So you guys think Obama will be worse than Stalin?...speaking of anti-Christ.
I understand exactly how you feel! Your sentiments are mine word for word as of four and eight years ago, including "Anti-Christ". Let us all hope and pray for peace, love, justice and understanding to prevail above all.
Very strong sentiments. I remember the day Clinton was voted in, there was a lot of doom and gloom talk by the Evangelicals. I remember how depressing that day was... but it didn't turn out quite so bad as everyone was predicting. I'm holding onto that memory and hoping it will be similar with Obama and that in 2 years we have another Republican sweep in Congress to balance out the power a bit.
You know, what DebD was saying about a sweep in two years is what I'm thinking. What I'm getting tired of, though, is a GOP that eats its own by slandering people in the press and ignoring conservatives.
I will vote for a conservative who is brave enough to stand up for their principles. Whatever the party - but this RINO mentality has to go.
I thought I was the only one who sees him as the anti-Christ. It is sad when I see that people think that congress will stop him. Does anybody know that he HAS the congress? I have to agree that a lot of our problems stem from the loss of the family in our society, but also the lack of God in our lives. It is just sad...
I'll have to join you in Alaska, though. I LOVE Sarah Palin. What a beautiful person, inside and out.
Oh, and I forgot to comment:one of the neighbors works at Enterprise (the car rental place). The day before the election, they received a request for 16 vans that could carry 17 people each, by the democratic party, for election day. With those, they go pick up people from projects ("crack-heads", drug addicts, etc), promise them a hot meal and take them to vote. Repeat. All day long. This is just in THIS town. My friend was so disappointed when he saw that. He was asking, "how can we compete with that kind of money?" Sad. You reminded me when you mentioned FRAUD. Yes. BIG time.
hey girl, I feel the same way. I was SAD to find out about the "O" winning the election ! . Thank GOD we are in Germany, but he will be the new "commander in chief" so that can affect ways in the military & how things go in the US military. ya, it makes me nervous !
I think the best thing we can all do is read and brush up on our rights and responsabilities as Americans, according to the US Constitution. (The Idiots Guide to the Constitution and The Constitution for Dummies are great books. Easy reads. They make something so complex more easy to understand and get through.) It gave me a bit more confidence in our future. The one thing that hit me today was the Sedition Act. (as I read it, it is an act that makes it illegal to speak of certain topics that may cause "trouble". Keep your eyes and ears open. The best way to protect ouselves is to know our rights!!! And say our prayers. In God We Trust!!!
My friend...today God is not surprised...He knew this would happen & He has a plan. Sometimes it is hard to see a positive end result when things look so bleak...but our God is faithful, He is true, He is the same as He always been & He is in control, as long as we continue to pray.
Keep your eyes on Him & He'll take care of the rest.
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